Every month, I have an important, and often extended, conversation with Lahat Tzvi. Though we plan for 60 minutes, our discussions easily stretch to two hours. We’ve even started blocking extra time in our calendars because we know we’ll dig deep. These talks usually cover a few key topics, but today, Lahat was particularly fired up after a chat with a prospective client. The client was laser-focused on “the numbers,” but Lahat noticed they were missing a crucial point: striving for their true potential.
That idea struck a chord with me because I’ve had countless similar conversations. Too often, businesses focus solely on hitting targets and forget to consider what they could really achieve.
Understanding the Bigger Picture
Let me explain. Our clients generally fall into two groups:
- High Performers – These are market leaders, driven to innovate and grow. They want to maximize their potential and maintain their edge.
- Struggling Organizations – These businesses aren’t meeting their goals and need help turning things around.
There’s a third group too—those already hitting their goals. They reach out occasionally, curious about what we’re doing with their competitors or after seeing one of our posts or podcasts. But these conversations often end without action.
Diving into Performance
When I speak with clients, I ask a lot of questions:
- Are you meeting revenue, growth, and profitability goals?
- What’s your win rate? Your average deal size?
- How long is your sales cycle?
- How’s customer retention and market share growth?
- What about team attrition—voluntary and involuntary?
The initial responses are usually enthusiastic: “We’re hitting our revenue goals! Growth is on track! Everything’s great!”
But when we get to profitability, win rates, or sales cycles, the tone changes:
- “Our win rate is 17%.”
- “Deal sizes are shrinking.”
- “Sales cycles are getting longer.”
Despite these challenges, they insist, “We’re scaling! We have the formulas to hit our numbers!”
That’s when I ask the pivotal question: “Are you achieving your potential?”
Beyond “Good Enough”
At this point, the conversation takes a turn. I point out, “You’re losing 83% of the deals you compete for. What if you could win just a fraction more? You’re already investing resources into these opportunities—you don’t need to spend more. You just need to win more. Imagine what that could do for your profitability and growth!”
This often leads to an eye-opening moment. They realize that while they’re meeting their quotas, they’re leaving significant opportunities on the table. Someone else—perhaps a competitor—is winning the deals they’re losing.
The Real Question
Toward the end, I circle back: “I know you’re hitting your numbers. But is that all there is? Are you truly achieving your potential?”
Lahat summed it up perfectly during our chat: “Quota is just something we pass on the way to achieving our potential.”
As we look ahead to the new year, it’s worth asking yourself: Are you settling for ‘good enough,’ or are you striving for what’s truly possible?